Coalition for Sensible Public Records Access

Who We Are

The Coalition for Sensible Public Records Access (CSPRA) is a non‐profit organization dedicated to promoting the principle of open public records access to ensure individuals, the press, advocates, and businesses the continued freedom to collect and use the information made available in the public record for personal, governmental, commercial, and societal benefit. Members of CSPRA are just a few of the many entities that comprise a vital link in the flow of information for these purposes and provide services that are widely used by constituents in your state. Collectively, CSPRA members alone employ over 75,000 persons across the U.S. The economic and societal activity that relies on entities such as CSPRA members is valued in the trillions of dollars and employs millions of people. 

CSPRA Mission
Promote the principle of open public record access to ensure that consumers & businesses may enjoy the continued freedom to collect & use information made available in the public record for personal & commercial benefit.

CSPRA Vision
Public Records available for all legitimate purposes at reasonable costs.

CSPRA Core Values
·      Equity of access, fair pricing, and cost-effective and efficient records systems.
·      Find common ground with policy makers though sensible, balanced solutions.
·      Collaboration through consensus.
·      Protect and manage secure, lawful & beneficial uses across users & industries.
·      Advocate for the common good as well as member's interests.
·      Advocate for reasonable operational and legal requirements in contracts, rules, and laws governing public records.

Learn how public records help improve your life in a number of meaningful ways!

Contact us. We’d love to hear from you.

(210) 236-1282
